Project Management in Discord
Discord Project Management: How to be more efficient?
Learn how to do project management in Discord with Orli Scrum bot for Discord
4 min readJul 15, 2021
Discord Project management sounds like an impossible goal. We have many sophisticated tools for project management. But sometimes, we need to get things done and stay focused. How do we keep project management simple and focused on the actual work directly in Discord?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many teams migrate from Slack to Discord as their team communication tool.
And even if you are just by yourself, keeping your work structure and focus is vital for the success of your career.
Here’s how the Orli Scrum bot helps with Project Management directly in Discord:
- Orli connects to the project management of your choice: Trello,, Jira, GitLab, GitHub, YouTrack so you can see your tasks directly in Discord
- Every morning Orli will ping you to report you Daily — it’s a way to stay on top of your work:
- While reporting your Daily, you mark with ToDo 🚀the tasks you aim to achieve on that day (ONLY).
- The next day (on the following daily), see if you’ve done what you aimed to mark with Done ✅ the tasks that you have completed the day before.
- If you have work in progress, mark it with 🛠.
- After reporting your Daily, take 1 by 1 the tasks from your Discord To-do 🚀 list and execute them.
- To stay focused, ask Orli to follow up with you when your task suppose to be done (when estimation time expires). Use the command !orli-task-follow TASK_ID
- Every week Orli sends a summary of what you worked on the previous week automatically.
Tips for efficient Discord project management:
- Set weekly goals: define your tasks for the week
- Mark in ToDo🚀 ONLY what you’ll finish on a particular day
- if you work on a task that will take several days, split it into small daily achievements. It will make you feel better about it when you report the following daily done tasks: ✅.
- Set a weekly personal challenge to keep your “Work In Progress” 🛠 list at zero.
- Try to avoid jumping between tasks and multi-tasking. You lose time.
- Learn from your automatic work weekly reports in Discord for Project management what to improve every week.
- Every Friday, evaluate your weekly performance compared with your planned goals on Mondays.